Monday, December 7, 2015

Update Ocean Unicorns Week 3

 Happy Monday! Hope you all had a fun weekend! 
Have you finished your Holiday shopping yet?

I need to finish or else I'm going to need to get my 
hustle bustle on, and not wait until the last minute!

Last week, was an unusually busy week. 
My daughter had a field trip and my son had a doctor's appointment!

All I have left on the first page is one more column!
My husband was teasing me that if I stitched 2 squares a day,
I'd be done in half the time.
I tried to explain to him, that I am rotating my projects, and would 
only have time for this, which really wouldn't 
be fair to my other WIPs, they'd start to feel neglected.

I do have some frogging to do, in one square,
 the top and bottom are not meeting up quite right!
I'm plugging away!
I'm loving all the shades of aqua, and
I'm still not too thrilled about the White.
I'm thinking of working around the Unicorns and saving them for last!!

Here is Day 3 of my CCN Gingerbread Train. I love working on this,
 I can not seem to put it down!!

Wishing you all a fun stitching week!
Until Next time,

Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Couple of Christmas Finishes and a New Start CCN 'Gingerbread Train'

Happy Weekend! 
This weekend, I'm pulling out Christmas Decorations, baking, and 
finishing up some Christmas ornaments!

Here are the first two, both by Teresa Wentzler! I love her color choices.
I'm working on two of her designs right now, Heart Sampler, and 
the Egyptian Sampler.

These ornaments were quick to stitch up and so very pretty with
their iridescent, pink and blue beads. 
This week, I'll be finishing them up, as well as I finally finished 
'Be Joyful' from Country Cottage Needleworks!

TW Father Winter Ornament (freebie)

TW Beginning WhiteWork Ornament (freebie)

Also this weekend, I started Country Cottage Needlework's 'Gingerbread Train'! 
The Classic Colorworks 'Ribbon Red' is gorgeous!

Wishing you all a fun stitching week!
Until Next time,

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