Friday, December 30, 2016

Smalls SAL December

Around the beginning of October I lost my stitchy bug!

I did stitch a couple of days within the last couple of months, I even 
had a couple of new starts, which I will post about on the first!

There were two projects I was close to finishing, that one project,
all I had left to do was back stitch, and add the beads.

About a week before Christmas, I pulled it back out, 
determined to finish it.
It was to become one of my MIL's gifts.

Here it is all finally finished !

Brooke's Book's Bride's Tree Ornament 
32ct Raw/Gold Belfast Linen

My other small finish, was a quick stitch, that I had so much fun stitching,
that I am happy to report,
I got my stitching bug back enough,
to plan out next year!
Which includes a couple big starts, 
I am starting on the 1st!

Here's my other small finish,

'Flurries in the Firs'
Blue Ribbon Designs
Hand tea dyed 28 ct. Monaco
JCS August 2016

I'm looking forward to next year participating in the Smalls SAL!!